The morning has finally come....we get dressed early pack up and head out to watch it all begin
...........................the beginning.........or.................the end...................................

We stop along the bridge to watch the action take place.....thousands among thousands of people are waiting down below to start their amazing journey.....thousands more stand along the riverside and bridge to cheer their loved ones on....kayaks and paddle boards start to head out onto the water and we get anxious because that means the race is about to heart is pounding so I can just imagine Jp and Dan's as they start to head into the water.....

First the pros enter then everyone at a time we look through the bobbling heads....somehow Madre spots Jp....she can see her when she is one of 2,900 people but not when she is 10 feet from us....oh the eyes of an old woman ;)
BANG!!! They're off and you can see the quiet, calm, lighter water turn into a dark, waving menace as the 2,266 people begin to paddle the 2.4 miles to the next stop....Bikes
.....we watch for a little bit until we see only speckles in the distance and then immediatly make a break for the bike transition....we have 2 hours and 15 minutes of pure panic as we wait for Jp to come grab her bike and head to the next part of the race.....with 5 minutes left to spare in the swimming Padre comes running up the side with his hands held high and Madre and I cheer in relief as we see a dark black body and white cap come racing up the isle with a huge smile across her face....she has completed the swimming and is now off to bike....
A few miles of riding in the car and we wait at the next stop to see her speed past us on the bike....we time it just right to see Dan come racing by and a few half hours later see JP....we know shes making good time if Padre calculates right....the next to run transition
....In the heat of the day we await to see Jp drop off her bike and head directly into the 26.2 mile run.....after a day of swimming and biking and in the hottest time of the day this is the last step into having the title Ironman and inner happiness that she kicked BUTT!!!!
We see Dan and cheer loudly as he crosses into get his bag and start his portion of running...a few hours later we see Jp come racing down the can see she is tired but nothing is going to stop her now....

Padre, Madre, Elaine, John, and I split up among the mile markers to make sure she has people to keep the steam rolling and finish on time...we catch her a few times and you can see the annoyance on her face as we yell "Come on JP! Run, Run, Run!!! Pick it up! You can do it!" know in her head she's thinking "ya you come run after biking and swimming" :P
....But after see her run around the miles a few laps we head to the finish line just in time to hear that Dan has made it across the finish line....we cheer along with the crowd and find a spot to sit and again wait for the moment when Jp will cross the line..... a little under 16 hours Jp comes around the on face and the extra boost of the crowd she finishes strong and becomes THE TEXAS 2012 IRON(WO)MAN!!!!!!!! YAY JP!!!!....
15 hours later.....140.6 miles longer....and a whole lot of waiting and anxiety she has crossed the finish line.....she stuffs pizza in her mouth and takes a shower before we all head to bed on a power high....
Madre said she would rather go through childbirth than having to wait in insanity to see her cross each stage before the time was up.....but congrats to Dan and me they are the heroes of the day and the best Ironmen ever!!!!! XOXO
......bed is call my time the wind blows for Jp will be the Ironman Grand Rapids Michigan <3