Thursday, May 31, 2012

Up...Up...and Away!

If the sun ain’t up…..should no one be up….that’s my motto as I wake up at 4 am to shower and head to the airport for my 8 am departure…

6am-arrive at the airport
6:01-tell my dad goodbye and convince him I’ll be fine on my own checking-in
6:02-wave goodbye and head toward the check-in counter
6:03-realize what a mistake I made by saying I’d be okay…I walk into a massive bulge of people going in every direction
6:04-my heart stops beating, my palms start sweating, my face drains of all the color…but hey I’m on my own now that my dad has left and I have no phone….Great!
6:10- realize I’m in the wrong line and walk to the right one….ask a lady for help that was standing in line and bless her soul she helps me :D
6:11- check-in and wait to hand off my luggage….my life for the next month so they better not lose it
6:15- blaze through security because that’s the one thing I’m a PRO at and of course I’m sweet and innocent so no need to stop me now :P
6:30 sit down at my gate with my breakfast…a special K bar because that’s the only thing my stomach will hold without me running to the bathroom to puke it all up and a bag of nuts for later when I’m starving because lord knows the cheep planes never give out FREE snacks….and my lucky trash magazine to keep me somewhat sain….
6:40- they announce a gate change since Dallas the plane before us is having weather issues and will be in late
6:55- I sit down at my new gate and realize this is the start of my life for the next month….one adventure at a time….one memory to be made….a grand old time next to the beach… heart slows for now….as I complete the first leg of my future adventure
….got to watch “The Vow” (don’t watch it…it isn’t worth your time not romantic but somewhat depressing

3:15pm-arrive in Miami
3:20-grab lunch with everyone and exchange some extra cash to Euros….for a hefty price of 7.50 for exchanging it :P
5-board the plane and then realize within 5 seconds of sitting down that I left my camera in the waiting area…..YIKES….luckily I could go back and grab it and keep my heart from stopping
6-finally leave the gate after having seating issues (as we were told) and begin the 9 hour journey across the sea

Every hour on the hour toss and turn hoping to stop the neck cramps and finally fall asleep…attempt failed but got a solid hour before waking up numb from my curled ball and a stiff neck from the angle…..ate the dinner from the plane (next time choose the pasta because my stomach did not agree with the meat :P) and watched part of “We bought a Zoo” then listened to the country station (only one really worth while) on the plane….landed and hopped in a taxi to our hotel and now relaxing before a grand adventure out in the city…..the wind is deff blowing in our favor :D

...Oh and for the computer is in Spanish and I figure out how to post were getting somewhere :D


  1. I was a little nervous at the beginning of the post, but I am glad you are ok. I can't wait for more posts!!! Love you

  2. LOL...I can see you are in nicely positioned yourself by the outlet! HA! Why is my stomach in knots today and not yesterday when you left? HA.....guess you are showing your blonde moments. AND HOLEY CAMERA! LOL Kuddos for figuring out the Spanish....I think that might be a theme on this trip! Sure do miss you bunches! Mucho! Mucho! Love and wiggle, waggle and licks! : )

  3. Aww Cait, you write so eloquent! Not many people can make a trip to the airport seem exciting. I feel like I'm right there with you! Anxiously awaiting 'our' next adventure!! Go w/God ♥
    Mo (om)
