....Jp, Dan, and Padre headed over to the lake to get in some practice swim in....Madre and I awaited some friends John and Elaine to visit.....

....We headed to the shopping area to grab a bite to eat...Sushi YUMMMMM (we decided on the crabacado and the Bahama breeze and of course since sushi places have the BEST green tea I got one to sip on which then warmed my whole body....not like I needed it on a day in the humidity)
Later Jp and Dan met up with us along with John and Elaine and we headed over to Lulu Lemon for a picture with Jp and Dan's name on the Ironman list and pizza since that I guess is Jp's day-before-race-food-to-go-to....apparently you can find it anywhere opposed to any other foods so it won....
....After pizza for lunch we took a dessert trip over to the nearby cupcake place as tradition for everyday we've been here and decided to chow down on some yummy snacks and enjoy the company of new friends John and Elaine.....They are super sweet!! John is such a class clown and Elaine is such a sweetheart that the two of them are polar opposites but they made the 3+ hours speed by because before we knew it it was time for dinner....

....GO JP AND DR DAN!!!!!
..........and off to bed and an early morning...hoping the wind blows in our favor tomorrow :D
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