Sunday, March 24, 2013


As spring break comes to a close L, I’m winding up the last of the recipes.  I made another batch of sesame chicken.  The lovely Becca Valdez was coming over for dinner and a catch up chat.  Madre had tried the recipe after a frozen warm-up, but all loved it nice and fresh.  So check out the above link for a reminder to the yummy dish.

Tonight, we decided to have turkey kabalsa (a personal favorite) and baked cauliflower fries.  These are a nice salty crunch that can substitute regular fries or chips of any kind. 

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
1.     Make sure to cut the cauliflower in similar sizes so all the pieces cook thoroughly.
2.     I placed them on the cooking sheet then lightly brushed them with olive oil so that I used less than the recipe called for—makes it healthier.
3.     Salt them lightly for healthier options.
4.     These tasty treats can be dipped in ketchup (I know it sounds weird).  It’s quite tasty and it makes the flavor like actual fries.
5.     Make them fresh because they won’t be crunchy otherwise.
6.     It is important to turn them each so they have an even crisp (about 20 mins on each side).
7.     Indulge a little bit because these treats are twice as healthy as actual fries. J

I really love these treats more than I thought.  Cooked cauliflower was an iffy because it usually comes out soggy, but these come out crispy and salty—a perfect combination.  Afterwards, we painted some eggs and just enjoyed the night of March Madness!

1 comment:

  1. Have you had the buffalo cauliflower? Not as healthy, but a great alternative to greasy wings! They are yummo too!
