Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Beach is Home

I woke up again early, pulling my hair back, cringing at my alarm and wanting to have thrown it against the wall because I am still tired, shoving breakfast down my throat, packing my bag, and grabbing my again packed lunch J

I head to the university and make it just as they are opening the doors…score!...I chat with my momma and upload some pictures all before 9 am in the morning...taking full advantage of this free internet :P

Classes start and I trudge into class wanting to just have crawled back into bed especially with all the school work they have given us…but class goes on and on and I make it through the 2 hour and 15 mins each of information that they coaxed down our throats….

After class, I head home and quickly change into my swimsuit and head to the beach (sans sunscreen) to catch a nice glow and read my book…I am getting used to the habit of reading along the beach and today was great because there was a constant breeze which kept the air cool…however, I had to set an alarm or else I could have stayed there all day and possible fry myself like a lobster…

An hour later when my alarm went off, I sadly packed up my bag and headed back to the apartment where I finished reading some more before heading over to the café for a short skype date with my mom…short is not the operative word because it ended up being a hour and a half that we chatted and shared information…time flew by since my last conversation in person…only so many facts can be shared in a hour over facebook apparently…while at the café I had tried horchada which is a Spanish drink made from a root vegetable…it tasted like sun screen mixed with carrot juice, ergo I won’t be ordering it again.  I’ll stick to my café con leche or chocolate con leche regular J

When I closed my computer, or more like it died right as we were saying good bye (impecible timing we have!) I headed back to the apartment to read some more, write my last journal entry for my class and make myself a salad consisting of spinach, baby strawberries, cherries, ½ an orange, pistachios, and balsamic vinaigrette.  It was delicious and filled the spot…I then took a shower and called it a night…before I knew it 10:30 was closing in and it felt like I had not accomplished much in the dent of my piling stack of homework…I am so glad for the end of the school week tomorrow and before I know it the Granada trip this weekend….it seems that time is flying by before my eyes…

The wind is speeding up time…I enjoy my breeze along the shoreline and the calming effect it has as it send Goosebumps up my arms in a cooling effect of the heat…today is over and tomorrow will begin shortly…time seems to be passing too quickly if you ask me and not fast enough if you ask my mom…so little time and so much still to accomplish, see, and enjoy…buckle up because it is going to be a fast moving coaster now!

P.S. to finish the story about Shane's card being eaten by the machine...he got his card back after going to the bank with his passport and trying to talk to them when they only spoke Spanish :)

1 comment:

  1. ;) ....sorry, that I want time to go by quickly-yes, I am selfish and want my Bug back; however, I hope that time does slow down a bit for you to continue to enjoy your wonderful adventure. I cannot wait to hear all about the caves and catherdrals of Granada. Keep chipping away at the pile of homework....but find time to enjoy because you are right the wind has sped up and half your journey is over....enjoy the next two weeks my little senorita! Love! Love! and more Love!!!
