Monday, June 25, 2012

Round 2

Well my morning started at midnight when I was still up out on the town and kept going until 430 this morning hitting the streets (which was early to go home here J)…then I slept until 830 and tossed and turned until I finally got up at 1130 and ate a bowl of cheerios with milk.  Then, I walked down the Rambla to see if the museo was open to grab a pamphlet and poster, but again it was closed.  I walked by the printing area which was closed as well so that means Tuesday morning I’ll have to run by and print my information out.  On the walk back, I watched a small parade where various people wore different head pieces of different characters.

I laid out at the beach for a little bit which was not only hot, but super crowded it seems like everyone had the same idea.  After only 45 mins, I headed back and ate a PB&J and had tea.  The Girl Who Plays with Fire is getting really good I would just like to say because I am getting to the point where I fall asleep reading it before bed and cannot put it down AHHH! J….Then I headed to the internet cafĂ© to work with my group since now that it is only 2 days away the procrastinators what to work on it….grrr :P

In the evening, we took to the castle.  We walked around to the side of the mountain that it sits up on and took the elevator on the way up.  It had 360 degree views of the city and ocean that like every other site I have seen has been gorgeous.  You could see the city from the wing of the birds.  The wind kept it cool with the sun shining down.  The grounds you could tell were older which gave it a charm.  There was an area that was used as a dungeon that was only tall enough for someone short like me…it would suck to be tall and be put in the dungeon because you would become a hunchbackJ.  We snapped picture after picture and took in the sites that I could live up there.  Between the views of the ocean and the city they would be able to see any attack coming for miles.  The top view also showed you how large city actually is.  On the way down, we twisted through the castle grounds giving us different views of the city at each aspect.  We passed some cannons that were probably used to stop any intruding forces.  The walk up the road was pretty short only about 20 minutes which got us back in front of our apartment, thus we had a made a complete circle since we had left.

We decided to have tapas (appetizer sized meals that give you a variety of all the restaurant has to offer because each person gets 1 bite)…we had a cheese, ham, salmon, anchovies, and crab all served on bread slices.  They were pretty yummy and the convenience of having the restaurant across from our apartment was nice.  After dinner, Kat and I split ways as she headed into town to watch the game and I opted to watch the game from the comfort of my own apartment and give myself a break.  Staying up all night and morning yesterday/today made my energy level low...I’m such a old person stuck in a younger body hahah J
At a quarter to midnight, all of us left the apartment and headed to the beach to watch the bonfires.  According to the locals, tonight they made fires on the beach (which I don’t think is the smartest idea considering how everyone is drinking plus fires just seems like a bad mix hahaha) and they write down bad things, bring clothes from a somber time, or just anything sad that people want to forget and they drop it in the fire as a way to release the ideas behind them and move onto the future.  The fires were individual fires so I just watched for a few minutes before heading back home and going to bed.
Luckily the breeze was minimal so the fires were not raging out of control, but it meant like the nights have been it was time for my fan to go to work.  I snuggled in and slept until the sun came up J

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