Well today I got to sleep in. Thank goodness 9am
sounds more reasonable after being up past midnight
from fireworks and the Spain
football game which went into like triple overtime (Spain
won!!!!) it was intense and as people
started filing out toward the fireworks which they postponed because of the
game that is how much of a national game it is.
People crowded the street and all across Spain
you could tell if we were winning or losing as it went to penalty kicks because
of the crowd. After waking up, I ate
breakfast (cheerios and milk), took a while getting dressed, and watched some
lame shows that kept me entertained on Disney channel since nothing else was on
in English. I also put some stuff in the
wash so that it could get hung before lunch.

2pm, we left
for lunch. We headed down the esplanada
and grabbed lunch at this Indian restaurant.
I know what are we thinking getting Indian in
But, hey, it was delicious so don’t judge :P Anyways, Kat and I split the meal
for two and Sam since she is a veggie got the menu
dia. We got a started of a giant, potato
chip-like crisp and the choice of four dipping sauces. The white dipping sauce tasted like watered-down
ranch. The green one tasted like
watered-down ranch with mint. The red
one was spicy, ergo I stayed away from touching it. The favorite of the table was the orange one
that tasted super sweet, so the crisp added the salt to the sweet (sweet and
salty…eh, eh, eh
J). Our first course consisted of an onion hash
brown that had garlic and a puff pastry that was stuffed with meat and
rice. It was yummy! Then we got our main course which was Chicken
Tikka Masala (chicken in a tomato based butter sauce) and a lamb with a
butter/oil sauce with peppers and onions.
We also got served naan (bread) and rice. Sam was given a vegetarian curry. Once we had stuffed our faces, we were
rewarded with an on-the-house mango ice cream.
It was literally mango ice and cream (like a dreamcicle) We devoured it and didn’t know if the ice
cream was to reward us for being nice, coming, or just being pigs cuz we had
eaten so much
BUT IT WAS FREEE….and we like free so no complaints.

After our lunch, we walked back to the apartments (to make
ourselves feel like not such fatties) and headed to Plaza Mar, the grocery
store/mall on the hill. We walked around
looking at stores and made our rounds to scope out the goodies for
purchase. After trying some clothes on,
I opted on splurging on a mustard colored, long shirt and a complimenting
tinted, white, floral scarf. I also got
a blue dress that cinches at the waist and has a collared V-neck. My last purchase was a floral, coral wallet
for when I come home
J Two and a
half hours later we ended by grabbing some breakfast groceries for the next few
days we are here and headed home.
Once home, I grabbed my computer and bolted to the café to
catch Madre and Jp while they were available.
We chatted for a bit and I showed them my purchases (which they
approved) I ordered a hot chocolate and
did some facebook updates and e-mail sending since I had severally been
slacking in that department.
is not very set on being so dependent on technology although they are more
technologically advanced than us, which is prevalent in checking out at stores
or the number of awesome TVs they have hanging in bars and cafés. Anyways, my computer died while I was there
cutting my visit shorter than I had expected and so I headed home to take a
shower and grab some dinner (an apple and activia with fiber…I was still
stuffed from lunch and it was 9pm) I
hopped in the shower before chatting with Sam about frivolous things (Wendi—she
reminds me of you—in a good way
J…both are great people and I am so grateful to have
J) We ended our chat session with our usual
Rummy game and listened to some music. I
was excited to hear that she liked
City and Mumford & Sons. Thus, we could listen to soft music play in
the background to drive away our crazy minds.

Then, BANG!!!!! We both scream and I grab my chest thinking I was going to
suffer a cardiac arrest. I look at Sam
and she looks at me before looking at the time and realizing that the BANG was
the first warning for the fireworks to begin (usually we are given 3 to show
they are beginning and 3 to show they have ended). I was so relieved because I was picturing the
scenes from Taken once I heard that noise.
Let’s agree that the other night when I thought the fireworks couldn’t
be louder, I was wrong. Not only were
they loud enough to make me go deaf, but the deaf could most definitely hear
these and I could feel the reverberations through every bone in my body. Although the display was amazing and so fluid
that it could have given my favorite display on Tuesday a run for its money,
the smoky haze from the fireworks prevented me from thoroughly enjoying or
taking relatively good photos. However,
just imagine the best fireworks display times 20 with more smoke. It makes the nights here that much more
enjoyable. I did get lucky with a few
shots and like the others you can tell my favorite are the willow treeish
fireworks the leave a trail of pixie dust or shooting starts on the sky. At one point, I did snap a picture of the
fireworks that looked like stars in the sky.
The fireworks were louder and bigger (trying to drown their competition
since every night is a different company that puts off the production) The finale was insane. There were not only a massive amount of
fireworks going off, but the fireworks were bright: they lit up the whole city!

Now that it’s getting late, or early, I’ll have to say
goodnight or good morning J The breeze
will hopefully make the bus move faster tomorrow as we take to a 2 hour ride
for an all day cooking class and wine tour!!!! The days are numbered and I
cannot believe that this paradise is slowly, but surely coming to an end. If only the breeze could work in reverse, and
push back time….Hasta Luego!
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