Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Central Market Adventure

Falling asleep in my own bed (in Alicante) was magical.  Oh how I missed the comfort of my little space all to myself, no sharing.  The familiar humidity was comforting and the constant hum from my fan made a cool breeze through the night.  I woke up before my alarm went off so you know that I must have gotten the right amount of sleep J

I eagerly ate breakfast and got dressed before sneaking out the door as to not wake the rest of my roommates.  I walked to the tram and hopped on for one stop to get off at the Marcado, walked up the stairs, and figured out which direction I was in.  I found the Central Market, which looks like a giant bird cage, and headed up the stairs.  I walked in on the top floor which is ALL meat.  The whole floor!!! It was shop after shop after shop of meat and I mean the whole part of an animal from the hooves to the tongues to the faces…Yup, that’s right I said face…I saw the face of a skinned pig and the face of a chicken with it’s eyes staring up at me like “Don’t eat me! Save me!”  Let’s just say that I walked through that floor pretty quickly. I stopped on the other side of the building and checked out the flower stand that had a ton of options of fresh flowers to choose from and then headed downstairs.

Downstairs was more of my style with fruits and vegetable stands and your pastry, candy, egg stands.  There were 5 stands that were just eggs of all sizes which was interesting and I had to walk quickly past the pastries (not without first taking a picture) so that I wouldn’t buy anything hahaha J It all looked so yummy.  The fruit and veggies were my favorite because you ordered how much you wanted and they weigh it and then you pay.  I got 1 kilo of these white peaches that are in the shape of a squished peach and are delicious, too bad you can’t find them in the states.  They were only 2 euros and they are delicious and unique! J  The rest of the veggies and fruit I loved to see because it was all fresh and made the market smell so yummy!

I decided to walk back instead of taking the tram to get my bearings and boy was it hot already.  I’ll be going to the beach today.  The walk wasn’t too bad and it wasn’t as far away from our apartments as I had thought which made it easy to find my way back.  After I got back, I finished some of my last minute homework so that I am officially done and got ready to lie out at the beach.

The beach was hot hot hot!!!!  I only lasted a little bit under an hour without getting in the water and not wanting to have to wait and dry off I decided to just go back in plus I was sans sunscreen so I didn’t want to burn just toast which I for sure did J…I met with my group to go over a presentation and then hoofed it over to the central market to grocery shop.  I pick up some groceries while having a nice chat with Madre ;) and then when I got back to my apartment complex I was waiting for the elevator for a good 3 mins before my impatience won out and I decided to walk up the 5 flights (which is actually 6 flights since they start on floor 0! Worst idea ever!)  When I got to my apartment I dropped my groceries and ran for a fan and sofa to lie down on I was whooped and my arms had marks from carrying the bags :P BOOOO!...but I can feel accomplished that I could, could be the operative word there, carry my groceries up for the next two weeks I’m here….

Then, I relaxed until around 830pm when I decided to hit the Rambla with Sam for some dinner and football watching.  I had already made a sandwich for dinner, so I just went along to watch the game and get out of the apartment.  When we left the Rambla, we went to the Sand Bar down on the beach form our apartment.  The waiter was super funny and he spoke pretty good English so he would mix it up between the two to give us a little bit of understanding of what he was saying.  The beach was very quiet and peaceful which made the time fly by and before we knew it it was 100am and the fireworks that were had to have gone off only went off in town so we didn’t get to see them (DARN THEM :P…I will see fireworks before I leave hahaha)…then we came back and I got a quick shower before hopping in bed and sleeping until the sun wakes me up…. 

Since it was a night on the beach, the wind was blowing a pretty decent breeze, but it made the crashing of the waves that more beautiful.  The Sand Bar was definitely a quaint place that I will call my hangout place when I want to get away from hormonal girls or just think to myself J

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